Shredding machine manufacturers in India
How we became the top shredding machine manufacturer in India

As a shredding machine manufacturer, we have a complete range of shredders for many applications. These range from papers, very huge but light materials to non-ferrous metals.
We manufacture shredders in India which are used to shred a wide variety of materials from papers to mixed materials also. Whatever your requirement we can customize a machine that will give great value in short term.
These machines have a very simple operation. Just forward and reverse. The proper combination and intelligent design makes them very productive and distinguishes them from the other machines.
Having decided to become a shredding machine manufacturer, we developed a very keen interest in how these machines can be perfected. This gives great value for money to our customers. We realize that the investment should payback fast and the business must grow with the help of the machine.

Only one shredding machine can shred many things like papers, plastic, wood, rubber, glass etc.
The broad classification of uses is –
- Factory Waste
- Papers and Cardboards
- Light Plastic
- Wooden Pallets
- Non-ferrous metals
- Electronic waste and hard drives
- Medical Waste
- Recycling
- Volume reduction
- Raw material processing
Tell us what and how much you want to shred and we will give you the best economical options to choose from.
CONTACT US to know more: +919820020754