Latest super quality four shaft shredder for sale from India
Indeed a four shaft shredder is better for sizing materials than a double shaft shredder, they come with a mesh underneath which prevents the bigger pieces from fall through until they are again churned in the shredder to give the right size that passes through the holes in the mesh underneath the cutting chamber

Our PKT Q-Line shredders are four shaft shredder machine developed for specific applications best suited according to the materials to shred and the throughput required. The equipment is heavy-duty and more suitable for the hardest tasks, when it is necessary to produce constant and uniform particles that range between 15 and 100 mm.
Four-shaft shredders turn and re-turn the materials in the cutting section until they become a small size to pass from the screen gaps. All in the same machine, saving space, as well as reducing costs without the use of re-shredding and further processing more efficiently with the least maintenance and supervision.
Its slow-speed movement generates little noise, requires no special installation, rather can be moved from one place to another simply with the help of a hydra, and in addition it is capable of managing non-shreddable very stubborn materials, which is a known to get jammed in medium speed double shaft shredders and single shaft high-speed shredders.
Another advantage is its operation benefits the use of automatic separation applications, such as magnetic extractors, ECS (eddy current separators), optical separators, among others, since the way it operates encourages mixed material separation.