Kobra Digital Media Shredder
Manufactured with a special purpose, the Kobra digital media shredders including the Kobra HHD and Kobra SSD securely destroy all sensitive digital storage devices. The Kobra SDD specifically shreds solid state drives, USB flash drives, memory chips, and other flash media while reducing them to dust.
The Kobra HDD is designed to disintegrate regular hard drives, backup cassettes, and any other media into pieces for full security. Both types of Kobra HDD and Kobra SSD feature powerful motors and cutting technologies that are effective and suitable for high security over safe for industries, government and data centers. In India, the ShreddersandShredding Company (SASCO) supplies real Kobra SSD and HDD media shredders for complete digital destruction at affordable prices and with guaranteed delivery.
Kobra SSD & HDD Shredder
All Shredding Needs At One Place
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